Tag Archives: self-isolation

Read.. so you never feel alone

This is what you will read if you open UNESCO’s website.

On 23rd April, readers and authors all over the world celebrated World Book Day. This day marks the celebration of one of the most beautiful feelings and activities in the world- Reading. The history of this day dates back to 1995 when UNESCO decided to celebrate 23rd April as World Book and Copyright Day in a Press Conference in Paris. This day is a tribute to significant literary figures like William Shakespeare. This day also marks the birth and death anniversary of Shakespeare, along with the death anniversary of along with Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.  Each year this concept is being increasingly loved and supported by people globally. 

The theme city this year was Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur because of the strong focus on inclusive education, the development of a knowledge-based society, and accessible reading for all parts of the city’s population.

With the slogan “KL Baca – caring through reading”, the program focuses on four themes. They were:-

  1. Reading in all its forms
  2. Development of the book industry infrastructure
  3. Inclusiveness and digital accessibility
  4. Empowerment of children through reading

Among other events and activities there will be the construction of a book city (the Kota Buku Complex), a reading campaign for train commuters, enhancing of digital services and accessibility by the National Library of Malaysia for the disabled, and new digital services for libraries in 12 libraries in poor housing areas of Kuala Lumpur.

UNESCO is also providing access to some free books. Visit their website and satiate the reader in you.

Link: https://en.unesco.org/courier/suplemento-digital/unesco-courier-issues-books

Also, UNESCO and Idries Shah Foundation have launched the “World Tales” Short Story Competition. The details of which can be accessed through the link below.

Link: https://en.unesco.org/news/unesco-and-idries-shah-foundation-launch-world-tales-short-story-competition

My mum gave me an activity yesterday. (Not the household chore silly). She said, ‘’ you love books and possess so many. I have a task for you. Count them and tell me the figure in your stockpile. ‘’ (Which is why this post is coming today as I was busy the whole time counting the books and soaking in their fragrance. Hahahaha).  I first giggled at the idea but then I thought to myself, ‘let’s do this’.  When I did, I couldn’t take out all the books since they were neatly stacked and I didn’t want to disturb their sequence. (Read- taking them all out would have been a mess and I didn’t have the time to rearrange them back).

 Well, when I did the calculation in my head, I roughly estimated that there would be around 120 books. The figure is higher than this, to be honest. But the immediate question which my heart popped was.’’ aren’t they less?’’ My mind replied,’’ considering the space, not at all. The shelf is already stuffed.’’ My soul said,’’ I want more!’’  ‘Excess of anything is harmful’ doesn’t apply to books I suppose. For me, it’s ‘the more, the merrier’.

In this pandemic, hard copies should not be preferred. E-books and audiobooks can be considered as an option now.  Something is better than nothing. In these tough times, Amazon comes to our rescue. It is providing some free issues and is offering some great deals for the e-books which are pocket friendly and along with giving a wide variety of books.

So what if the World Book Day is over, the lockdown isn’t. Here I enlist the 5 must-read books in the quarantine from my collection. (Honestly selecting only 5 was pretty tough).  I am hoping they will help you sail through this gloomy phase.

  1. Bridget Jones’ Diary

This book by Helen Fielding is one that I can read anytime anywhere. The protagonist shares her story via her journal and is a light story packed with many elements- drama, romance, comedy focusing on all aspects of her life- career, family, friends, relationship, her personality, her feelings, her emotions.

P.S- This was probably the only one which when adapted into the movie, won my heart in the screenplay form too. Kudos to the author who did wonders.

2. Life is What you make it

I am a Preeti Shenoy lover. And I don’t hesitate in admitting that. Whenever I read her books, I am mesmerized by her writing and story-telling skills. In this particular piece, she has perfectly explained the journey and struggle the protagonist faces while she is in depression and eventually becomes a bipolar personality. I won’t give any spoilers and reveal the ending. You will have to read it to know the end. All I can say is that this is one of the motivating books I have read and helped me sail through many low phases in my life. 

  • 3. Tuesdays with Morrie

This is a story about Albom’s regular visits to his professor who doesn’t have much time in hand. A beautiful tale of the student-teacher relationship, this will touch your hearts. It even topped the New York Times Non-Fiction Bestsellers of 2000. Also, I find this one special because my cousin introduced me to this author.

  • 4. Adultery

To read about the grey areas of relationships, I suggest this one. Apart from being written by a famous author, Paulo Coelho, this adultery story is interesting and gripping.

  • 5. Corporate Atyachaar- The Comical Journey of an office doormat

Well, the name in itself is self-descriptive and interesting too. I am sure you would like this. The story of a fresher stepping into the corporate finance world as a financial advisor, settling in a new city, you will relate to it. A dominating and controlling boss, managing a weird client portfolio and the frustrations, this book by ABHAY NAGARAJAN has it all.

Apart from the above ones, you can also read The Secret wishlist (for the friendship rides, love roller coaster, boring marriage, temptations of extramarital aggair), Love, Cricket and SRK (the name says it all), Almost Single (It has humor, love, customs, family, a drama about mother-daughter disagreements on marriage as the clock is ticking), Almost There (Almost Single’s sequel), P.S I Love You and The Fault in Our Stars (for the hopeless romantic in you).

Reading has off lately, taken a backseat for quite some time as people now have access to other entertainment sources. However, I would suggest revisiting your reading habit as this lockdown can be a perfect time to do so. Apart from providing knowledge, they will instill positivity which is required to beat the self-isolation stress.

 John Green aptly describes the quality of books, ‘Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.’ For those who already have a collection, it’s time to wipe the dust and start reading! For those who don’t, please initiate the process. It will be a magical journey, trust me. As Ernest Hemingway rightly explains books,’ there is no friend as loyal as a book’.