Tag Archives: Books Authors

Happy World Book Day 2020

Books are a uniquely potable magic

  • Stephen King

A Happy World Book Day to all the avid readers out there!

On this special day, I wish to dedicate this blog to our beloved novels. I fall in that category of readers, where if you ask me my favorite book, I won’t be actually able to think of just one.  For me, every book is mon amour (It means my love in French). I am a bibliophage along with being a bibliophile. Basically, all the adjectives you associate with books.

 Since my childhood, I have a collection of books, and I have been updating it as and when I get an opportunity. I also get many of them as birthday presents from my friends since they know my craziness levels for them.  I owe this fondness for books to my mother primarily, since; she was the one who introduced me to them. I still recall an incident when in my second standard, I secured third rank (90 plus %-mentioning this just to show off a bit. Wink, wink!) and when my parents questioned about the gift I wanted, all I said was, ”I want storybooks”. I indeed got one and still have it in my stockpile.

Even now I buy books wherever my eyes can search them- at the airport, the railway station, the book fairs (this is an obvious one), any roadside stand. Despite living in a 2 room house, and having limited space, I have managed to dedicate a separate shelf to my books and I term them as my ‘prized possession’. For me gold is secondary but books are the primary ‘asset’. They are not only my best friends; they are my companion, my partner in crime.

I am sure many of you would agree with me that the hard version is the best. Even in this age of Kindles and e-books, I just can’t get myself to sit and read the soft copy. I want the hard copy, to soak in the smell, to feel the book’s texture. I know with this pandemic striking us, a hard copy is out of the question and should not be preferred. Well, I am ready to wait!

This World Book Day, I would like to thank all the authors who came up and brightened our world with the light of their words and books. Our life would have been colorless without your work.  I would also like to thank the aspiring authors who took that leap of faith and started to write. All I want to say that you are amazing. Deciding to write is one of the bravest decisions one can make and requires a lot of courage. It is easy for others to criticize and pinpoint the mistakes. So, the next time you find one, just ask them to sit for half an hour or how much time they want and just write!  Write about anything. Well, this is my viewpoint and a guess that either the paper might be blank or there would be a few lines written. This will make them understand that when it comes to writing, it is an art and requires hard work and patience and an open mind.

But yes, please don’t misinterpret my statement. Healthy criticism should always be welcomed. It will definitely help you improve your writing and your thought process.  But the ones who constantly focus on the negatives rather than appreciating for the positives and who question your abilities, it’s time to ignore them and move on. Write and write and write! Your written words shall answer on your behalf. The verbal speech might not even be required. 

I honestly cannot imagine my life without books. I actually keep one in my handbag always, literally, always. I might skip makeup but not that copy. Honestly, if I have to sit down and write something, it does take me a minimum amount of time to think and list down what I wish to focus on. But while writing this blog, as I sat down to write, I really did not need any focus points or keywords. The emotions just started flowing and my fingers started typing on the keyboard. Hence, this has been written from the heart and not from the mind.

Lastly, all I want to say is that off lately, reading is not preferred by people now since we have a lot of other entertainment options available. However, my request would be to revisit the books. They will not only entertain you but will broaden your thought process spectrum and provide you the knowledge and will take you away in their mystic land where no airfares, railway reservations are required. All you need is a quiet place and your book. Along with a cuppa maybe. Trust me, this feeling is one of the magical feelings in the world and only those can understand who has ever read a book by choice. As Jhumpa Lahiri rightly said, ‘That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet. ‘

Keep reading, Keep writing!

Stay home, Stay safe!